NOTE: For court-ordered community service, do NOT complete this form.
Please contact the Shelter directly at 972-721-7788 to schedule your service.

When you submit the Application, you will be directed to the orientation payment screen. The orientation fee is $25 per adult. Each adult must complete a separate application. Within two days after paying, an orientation invitation will be emailed to you.

City State ZIP
Home phone Work phone Cell phone * Either a home or cell phone is REQUIRED
NOTE: fields in RED are required Volunteer Orientation is required within 60 days. One to three days after you pay the registration fee, you will receive an Orientation invitation which provides your user name and a link to register for the Orientation Class.

Please read and agree to the following.

I certify that I am 18 years or or older.
I wish to receive email from the DFW Humane Society and persons acting on its behalf. My spam filter and/or whitelist will allow me to receive emails from
Please pay the registration fee ($25 per adult) on the next screen. The fee provides membership in the Humane Society and a t-shirt.
Checks may be mailed to the Shelter (attn: Sarah Kammerer) or paid in cash at the Shelter. You may also phone your credit card information to Sarah Kammerer.

FAILURE TO PAY ON OR BEFORE MAY CAUSE YOUR REGISTRATION TO BE VOIDED. Please note that all money paid is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend your planned Orientation date, you must reschedule prior to class date; otherwise, you may be required to pay an additional training fee.

How did you learn about us?

All programs offer on the job training
Successful completion of the Volunteer Orientation class is mandatory prior to attending any volunteer event.
Programs with an asterisk (*) require classroom training provided by DFW Humane Society

If the Submit button is gray, you have not selected the above three checkboxes